For evaluated units
The national evaluation is based on the Methodology for Evaluating Research Organisations and Research, Development and Innovation Purpose-tied Aid Programmes (M17+). It brings a combination of quantitative and qualitative indicators covering the research environment, international and national cooperation, excellence in research, research performance, relevance of research for society and its societal impact. Evaluation is conducted in five basic modules (M1 – M5).
The aim of the evaluation is to provide information for quality management of R&D&I at the level of the provider (MEYS) and the university, to increase the efficiency of spending public funds and to support an increase in the quality and international competitiveness of Czech science. The results will influence decision-making on the provision of institutional support.
The national evaluation is carried out at the level of the Frascati Manual classification of disciplines (OECD classification) - 1. Natural Sciences, 2. Engineering & Technology, 3. Medical & Health Sciences, 4. Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences, 5. Social Sciences, 6. Humanities and The Arts.
Evaluation of the Quality of Selected Results (M1) and Research Performance (M2) is carried out annually. All five modules are assessed simultaneously once every 5 years by an international evaluation panel (IEP), which evaluates particular modules M3-M5. The 2025 evaluation will assess the 2019-2023 results in Module 3 and the 2020-2024 results in Modules 4 and 5. The evaluation period thus maintains continuity with previous evaluations and takes into account the availability of up-to-date data.
Evaluation tools:
M17+ consists of five modules:
The aim of Module 1 is to motivate research organisations (ROs) to conduct research of high quality in international comparison and research with high potential for the application of results in practice. The principle of the evaluation is the assessment of selected results by an expert panel in terms of their quality, originality and relevance in comparison with the international level. A limited number of selected results are evaluated in two distinct categories. In the first category, the main criterion is the contribution to knowledge in the field. In the second category, the main criterion is societal relevance or importance for society and, where appropriate, its impact (economic or otherwise describable contribution to society). Societal relevance is understood both in terms of 'utility' (typically industrial research bringing economic profits) and in terms of 'demand' (typically departmental research arising from a societal order). Only results listed in RIV can be included in the evaluation. More information on collection and categories can be found here.
The bibliometric analysis of Module 2 works with the citation impact indicator Article Influence Score (AIS). The analysis of Module 2 evaluates the production of results within individual disciplines and RO for the period under evaluation. The main output is the distribution of results in the qualitative rankings based on the journal AIS. In the future, indicators monitoring citation rates, the share of international collaboration or the contribution of national authors should also be added. Only results listed in the RIV can be included in the evaluation.
In Module 3, each faculty/institute prepares a self-evaluation report as background information for the international evaluation panel (IEP). In 2020, the evaluation covered 11 units, in 2025 12 units will be evaluated. Module 3 reflects the rate of positive impact of R&D&I and their results on society and communities. Social relevance is related to the results of applied research that are of direct importance for the economy, state and public administration as well as for cultural and social policy. Module 3 assesses results such as patents, licenses, spin-offs or important studies. Basic research results that have an impact on individuals and society (indirect or non-economic impact) are also assessed.
Other areas assessed in M3 include: applied research projects, collaboration with the non-academic community and technology transfer, recognition by the scientific community and popularisation of R&D&I. Module 3 is complementary in focus to Module 1.
The aim of M4 is to evaluate the research environment and assess the quality of the university's management and internal processes. The university self-evaluation includes its performance as a whole institution in the following areas: organisation, management and support of R&D&I, doctoral studies, national and international cooperation (membership of the global and national research community), mobility in R&D&I, human resource development and careers in R&D&I, financial resources for R&D&I, start-up strategies, research infrastructure and good practice in R&D&I.
Module 5 emphasises the assessment of quality from various perspectives defined in university’s strategy for its future development. Module 5 covers the monitoring of parameters in following: mission and vision in R&D&I (strategic direction for the next period, link to the implementation of the provider/founder's concept), R&D&I objectives and strategies, national and international context of R&D&I (measures resulting from the applicable strategic documents at national and supranational level - priorities, policies, action plans, etc.), tools for the implementation of the research strategy.
Modules 4 and 5 represent an organic component and form a logical conceptual unit. Module M4, which presents the research organization based on retrospective data, is followed by module M5 with SWOT analysis and, vision in line with the mission of the university and the development of strategy and concept.
The evaluation of MU according to M17+ is carried out by the provider (MEYS) on the basis of an evaluation report prepared by an international evaluation panel (IEP) and the outputs of national M1 and M2 modules provided by the Council for Research, Development and Innovation.
See the full results of the national evaluation of the university.