Evaluation Process

Module 1, 2

M1, M2 – annual monitoring

The presence of a result in the RIV is a prerequisite for inclusion in the 2017+ Methodology. All research/scholarly outputs (not only the selective list) have to be included in the Information System of MU and marked for the RIV. For publications outputs, it is necessary to fill in all existing identifiers correctly, especially UT WoS, EID Scopus or DOI, in order to pair publications in RIV with WoS and Scopus databases, which are crucial for the evaluation.

Module 1

The process runs simultaneously with Module 2. The MEYS calls universities to nominate selected results for Module 1 in a predetermined volume. The selection process at MU involves all faculties and the Research Department.

There are two groups of results. In the first group, only "bibliometrizable" results can be submitted (Jimp - article indexed in Web of Science; Jsc - article indexed in Scopus which is not indexed in WoS; D - proceedings). The second group "non-bibliometrizable" (other research outputs, primarily results of the type B - book, C - Chapter, J - reviewed periodicals, P - patents). In the second group, an additional 5% of "non-bibliometrizable" results can be submitted as strengthening the field of applied research and social science and humanities.

Each result has to be dedicated to the criteria "contribution to knowledge" or "societal relevance". The decision is up to the submitting faculty.

The final set of selected results is sent for evaluation, which is processed by the remote reviews, coordinated by discipline-organised Expert Panels, who also compile a final expert commentary on the results in their field for all institutions/fields. Full information on the collection and the connected process can be found on this website (only in Czech).

Modul 2

The Government Office prepares the bibliometric analysis for the Module 2 in the Frascati Manual’s discipline structure and the expert panels prepare the expert commentary. The bibliometric analyses are prepared at ROs and discipline levels.

The results from the Module 1 and 2 can be found here (only in Czech).

At the final stage of the evaluation of these two Modules, the results of both are aggregated into a narrative qualitative assessment that can be commented on by the university. The results of the evaluation are incorporated by MEYS in an algorithm to allocate the contribution to institutional support to the long-term conceptual development of the research organisation (DKRVO).

Evaluation criteria in M1:

Contribution to knowledge is a traditional evaluation criterion in R&D&I, assessing the originality, significance, and difficulty of obtaining a result, applied mainly to the results of basic research.

Societal relevance is understood both in the sense of commercial utility (typically industrial research bringing economic profits) and in the sense of social utility or demand (typically research produced on social or departmental orders or in the social sciences and humanities, research relevant to wider society produced by research organisations outside departments).

Module 3, 4, 5

M3, M4, M5 – five-year cycle

Assessment in modules M3-M5 is carried out every five years as part of a full assessment covering all modules. The first year of the full cycle of assessments under the 2017+ Methodology was 2020. The M3-M5 modules are implemented by each university in the form of a self-evaluation report (SER) and an on-site visit by an international evaluation panel (IEP), which followingly draws an evaluation report based on all information at the university (M4, M5) and also faculty level (M3).

Preparation phase - 2025

During the preparation phase, MU nominates the members of the International Evaluation Panel (IEP) and prepares the schedule of the on-site visit and the expenditure proposal. The MEYS is responsible for establishing the Expert Advisory Committee (EAC). The EAC will be responsible for the consistent application of the evaluation criteria across IEPs and scientific disciplines, and for the consistent interpretation of the technical issues raised by each IEP. In this respect, the EAC will act as an advisory and monitoring body, overseeing the correctness of all processes and seeking to mediate understanding between the evaluation actors.

In the next step, MU draws a self-evaluation report (SER) in English.

The SER undergoes a formal check at the MEYS before being provided to the IEP members. The IEP members are trained by the MEYS in evaluation procedure and fafamiliarized with the environment and specifics of R&D&I and universities in the Czech Republic. In this phase, the joint meetings of IEPs and EAC members are also organised to set criteria for research quality and relevance of results.

Implementation phase - 2025

A key point of the evaluation is the IEP's on-site visit at the MU, which will take place on 2-6 June 2025. In preparation for the meeting, the IEP will study the self-evaluation reports and have the opportunity to request additional materials. During the on-site visit, the IEP will discuss and evaluate each faculty/institute. The Rector of MU, Vice-Rectors, and representatives of each part also attend the face-to-face meeting. Representatives are selected to provide additional information to IEP members on the written assessment documents in modules M3-M5 and to answer questions. The output of the IEP evaluation is an Evaluation Report prepared in the structure set out in the documentation.

The draft IEP Evaluation Report will first be received for comment by the Rector. The IEP after consideration, may incorporate further information into the evaluation report. The evaluation report is subsequently forwarded to the MEP, which evaluates the formal correctness and completeness of the report and, if necessary, requests its completion. The result of the evaluation and recommendations will be discussed by the MEYS with the MU management.

Contents of the MU Self-Evaluation Report (SER), in English only:

  • M3 Social Relevance -12 self-evaluation reports from 12 MU units (faculties and institutes). The reports self-evaluate the positive impact of scientific research activities and their results on society.
  • M4 Viability - university-wide report covers the area of management, PhD studies, funding, or international cooperation of the university.
  • M5 Vision and strategy - the university-wide report covers MU's strategy for its future development.
  • Appendices - SWOT analysis of MU, MU's comments on the results of the aggregated assessment of modules M1 and M2.

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